Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Taste Tester Strip Experiment

In my family, everybody tasted the test strips. Therefore, you can tell this trait will most likely be a dominant trait. If it is dominant, this means the generations before my grandparents, my mom, and I would of most likely been able to taste the strips if they were still alive. generally the trait runs through the family and will continue to be passed down from generation to generation because having this trait is dominant in my family.

Stem Cells Prezi

This is my link for our prezi

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Baby lab

In biology class the past week or so, we have been studying the traits of babies and what they get from their parents. We have mainly covered dominant and recessive traits. Dominant is the controlling gene. If you have a dad that has the dominant gene, say he gets a disease; this makes have at least a 50% chance of getting this disease.
TraitParent 1′s GenotypeParent 2′s GenotypeBaby’s GenotypeBaby’s Phenotype
Molemmmmmmno mole
Eyebrow Sizeeeeeeedon’t meet
Eyebrow texturekkKKKkbushy eyebrows
Eyebrow shapebbbbbbstraight eyebrows
Eye Shapeoooooooval eyes
Cheek frecklesffffffno freckles
Cheek dimplesddddddno dimples
Chin dimpleppppppno chin dimple
Chin shapeZZZZzzround chin
Mouth shapeCCccCcbowed
Face shapeAAaaAaround
Nose sizeNnNnNnmedium
Lip sizeGgGgGgmedium lips
Hair curlinessHhhhHhwavy hair
Eye separationLiLiLimedium set eyes
Eyelash lengthJjJjJjmedium eyelashes
Hair colorrrSsRrSSrrSSdark blonde hair
Eye colorttUuTtUUTtUulight brown
Skin colorvvWwVvwwVvwwlight beige

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Onion Root lab and Webquest

number of cells201032136
percent of cells56%28%8%6%2%100%

1.  What percent of cells were in interphase? 56% percent of cells.
2. What percent were in mitosis? 44% of these onion roots are in mitosis.
3. Which phase of mitosis takes the longest?  As you can infer from the graph, interphase will take the longest.
4. During which stage is the nucleolus visible as a dark spot? If you observe in the microscope, Interphase can be recognized because the nuclear membrane is still connected, the chromatin has not yet condensed, and you can't see any of the chromosomes yet.
5. How can you recognize a cell in metaphase? The chromosomes are in there condensed state and are aligned in the center of the cell

I also posted this picture and our graph results because I want to explain in a broader view of what the whole mitosis phase looks like.
picture found at: