Friday, November 30, 2012

Skeleton Labeling Blog

 We were assigned a group activity in class which we would label every bone we could within a certain amount of time. My personal part of the skeleton was the legs and feet. I had to memorize every part I could. The experiment was great! I learned a total of 26 bones! The only problem I had was putting all of the sticky notes on the little bones on the skeleton and actually getting them to stick! Sadly, after the time expired I was still left with 6 sticky notes. We came in last place! We found out we didn't have a group member to memorize the bones of the skull when we started. Even though that put us back a lot,  it was still a great experience and lots of fun to perform this assignment. I think if we did this more often, I could have the entire skeletal system memorized by the end of the year! I memorized all 26 of my parts in around 15 minutes and that was because I am already somewhat familiar with the human body since my mother is a nurse. Therefore, I felt I was a good person to have in our group. As far as the other members in my group went, they all put in a great effort. Nobody showed up not knowing what was going on which was great because it made us look better as a whole. I believe if we could of had somebody that was studying the skull and had just been quicker putting our sticky notes on, we would have been able to come in at least 3rd. Below is a picture of the skeleton just so you can have a visual description as well.
Everything below the pelvis/hip is what I was assigned to, this was a great experience to get a little more knowledge of anatomy and have some fun in the process. I would definitely be up for doing this again!