Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Brown Recluse Venom

The brown recluse spider is a spider native to the US. It can be found in your home in the following places: Dark spots within baths, dormitories, garages, closets and cellars, vent and heating conducts, and seldom used clothes and shoes. Outside it can be found in the following places: storage places, underneath rocks or inside hollow trunks. This spider is actually fairly small, being only 1/4" to 1/2" it can sure pack a lot of venom! Usually if the spider bites you, you can't tell until a few hours later. You wont feel it bite you since it's so small. But after those few hours pass, you can see an irritation in the bitten area. Below is only day one from the Brown Recluse bite.
As you can see, nothing really out of the ordinary, swelling from the venom and irritation around the skin clearly indicates a bite, only you cant tell what really bit you yet since you cant see the real symptoms. After usually about 2 to 3 days you can really see when you have been bitten from something serious. Below is another picture from a Brown Recluse, only this is day 3.
sIf in fact, you notice you have been bitten by something, don't wait 3 days to do something. You need to react fast. Here's a list of the proper precautions to perform if you get bit.

  • First, apply ice on the injury in order to lessen the pain and swelling.
  • Whenever possible, place the bitten part of the body above your heart.
  • Wash the entire area with cool water and soap -do not use warm water.
  • Put sterilized bandages on the injury.
  • Stay calm --nervous states help the venom spread inside your body.
  • Try ibuprofen, naproxen, or similar anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve the pain.
After you realize you have been bitten by the Brown Recluse or any other spider like this, you should definitely call your doctor right away and see what you can do to prevent venom from spreading. The physical reaction to a brown recluse spider bite depends on the amount of venom injected and an individual's sensitivity to it. Some people are unaffected by a bite! Now, I will finally show you the 9th day of this man's painful bite from the Brown Recluse.

1 comment:

  1. Bites from the brown spider, the recluse, can be painful in those cases where the bite is not dry - and an envenomation takes place. It can be difficult to identify a brown recluse spider from many other brown spiders if you don't know the special characteristics of brown recluse spiders. Source:
